A Family's Anguish

Jody’s parents and sisters have been deeply impacted forever by the loss of Jody, the especially violent manner in which she was killed, and by the continued lack of answers in the case.

The LeCornu family’s grief is compounded by not knowing who killed Jody.  It is the not knowing that has robbed Jody's family  of peace and of the ability to fully grieve her death.  As in many other unsolved homicides, the victims’ families express that it never goes away, it never leaves them. Especially heartbreaking, is that fact that Jody was murdered on her parents' wedding anniversary.

Unsolved murders have ripple effects upon the surviving family that extend for years, in myriad ways—sadly, even impacting new generations. The impact of the violent and evil act of Jody's murderer did not end with taking Jody's life, it has taken pieces of the lives of those who love her and were loved by her.

Jody's father, John, kept his file regarding the case on his nightstand. He would review it every night before bed and pore over it to see what, perhaps, he may have missed.  Sadly, he did this until he died of cancer in 2007—not having reached the justice for which he sought so tirelessly on behalf of his daughter.

Let's not allow this to happen to Jody's beautiful, stoic mother, Linda. Let's not allow her to leave this earth without a sense of peace and healing sourrounding Jody's vicious murder that has cruelly evaded her for decades. She, her sisters and their families deserve answers and for justice to be served for their beloved Jody.